It was very dark but thanks to the backlight of some road lamps some distance away, I managed to see a silhuotte on the fence. I managed to creep below it slowly and just before it spotted me I snapped a picture of it. Its not clear at all as my mobile phone camera was practically useless at such low light. I managed to set it at night scene mode before shooting and that helped sightly. Even at such low light and the grainy cast of the picture, you can see the signature big eyes of the owl's distinct look. It was beautiful and probably the closest I ever got to an owl outside a cage. I estimate it to be about 50cm in size from where I was standing.
The last time I sghted an owl was many years back at Kallang river park, and it swooped down to catch something I did'nt noticed at all.
I am glad that such a magnificent Bird of Prey still exist in our urban landscape. If only more trees are planted and more bird santuaries are planned in little pockets of our ever "urbanising" country.
Give nature a chance.
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