Been back from London for about 2 weeks now, jet lag was pretty bad because of the previous Scandinavian trip barely 2 weeks before. We took the Airbus A380 but I must say that the difference is not much from any other aircraft. I'd say the comfort level was maybe just 5-8% more than an upgraded B-777. Service was not fantastic either considering its SIA. All in all the flight was pretty average to me.
We reached London in the evening, weather was cooling, no rain. First impressions, narrow roads, lots of cabs, dirty sidewalks, lots of old buildings, lots of Indians and Indian restaurants.
Our hotel room was really small, seems to be the case in all developed cities visited so far. There was no WiFi as usual, TV programs were limited as well but the room felt clean though.
Dropped our luggage and went for dinner. We chose a cheap middle eastern ran Grilled/Fried chicken fast food joint. I went for the half Grilled chicken meal at 3.99 pounds with drink. Pretty decent meal though and filling.
The next day was pretty hot, around 25 degrees and I sweated a bit, that was the last day I saw the Sun. From then on the remaining 8 days was either cloudy, drizzling, raining or miserable or all combined. It got colder towards the end of the trip and by the time we left it was 10 degrees.
We spent the first 5 days on the job, going through the fairs, meeting retailers, architects, publishers. Visiting iconic stores collecting information. On Sunday I was finally free and done with work, unfortunately all the museums were closed and the stores closed early too! Crap!
I only managed to visit Modelzone and got some Revell kits and a couple of Vallejo paints. Price of the kits were almost the same or maybe S$1-S$2 cheaper than Singapore.The typical tourist sites were as usual, packed with tourist! The Tower Bridge, commonly mistaken as the London bridge was fantastic, the draw bridge operated without any external cables and we were lucky to have witness a boat crossing it!
I find the bridge architecture impressive and did not notice that it actually has colour from pictures I have seen. The steel was painted in this light blue colour which I seldom see in Europe as all bridges appear dull and purely utilitarian.
Its quite refreshing!
HMS Belfast was parked just further down but as we reached there late, it was closing in 5 minutes so I did not get a chance to go on board.
The Clock Tower was next, or as it's commonly known as "Big Ben". The actual clock tower itself was heavily decorated with intricate motifs and design, elements of gold and stone made up most of it. Just further opposite of the river was the London eye, I didn't know it was smaller than the Singapore Flyer.

On Sunday, I went to the weekend markets, first was Colombia Rd where they were selling plants and flowers. It was packed with locals and the plant and flower range was fantastic! Stall holders were shouting out prices similar to our local durian sellers and the customers were responding humorously, the atmosphere was fantastic! I really enjoyed Colombia Rd market!
Then I went to Camden market and was really let down by the Thailand style pasar malam atmosphere. The place was just full of immigrant Chinese and Indians selling Chatuchak style T-shirts at 3-4 times Chatuchak price! Every other stall was selling the same shit. I took a quick bite there and left disappointed, the rain didn't help either.
On Monday 27th Sept, I woke up late and was cursing myself because that meant I have less time as I was going to the RAF Museum. When I finally found my way there, I was awe struck!! Its was an absolutely amazing museum!! some of the aircraft inside were in flying condition!! I have never seen such a well kept aircraft museum! so much pride in their machines of war and how they won the war against the Nazis. Security in the museum was tight, I was caught several times crossing the line trying to get up close to the aircraft for pictures.
The most agonising part for me was my camera batteries running out of power!! I didn't make a count but I estimated no less than 50 aircraft were on display!! Lots of Spitfires and Hurricanes! The Battle of Britain hall was filled with German aircraft!! Me-109, Bf-110, He-111......etc. Some of the halls was under renovation so you can hardly see those aircraft except maybe for a tail or wingtip. Sadly the WW1 hanger was totally closed for upgrading and I didn't get to see the Se-5A. I had to be chased out of the museum as I didn't want to leave those magnificent looking aircraft but at last I had to leave.
The Imperial war museum was less impressive, most of the exhibits were repainted and looked new, there were tanks, aircraft, guns, mini submarines...etc.
There was a WW1 hall which was impressive though. They even made a stretch of trench with mannequins sound/light effects and the smell was horrible but realistic!! Quite eerie though as it was very dark.
I also visited Hannants which was just next door to RAF Museum, they had excellent displays of finished works there but the store itself was a let down as it was not well stocked.
The Underground(or the Tube as its more commonly called) was easy to navigate compared to Paris and Tokyo, of course being in English help too.
It was an enjoyable trip for me overall, most of the enjoyment being in the RAF Museum. As I left London, it was entering early stages of Autumn and I can see hints of it in the trees. There's a bit of nostalgia when you sense the change of seasons, we don't get that often in Singapore. It's a nice feeling.
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